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Little Changes, big results for tasty US blueberry council effort

The council developed a campaign to position blueberries as an easy way to meet healthy lifestyle goals for the new year and beyond.

Understand your social audience with Demographics Pro

The platform provides detailed demographic and psychographic analysis of Twitter audiences, conversations, and groups of users.

Enough Said enlists donors to raise funds for rape justice

The nonprofit Michigan Women's Foundation launched Enough Said to drive awareness of rape prevention.

Express Scripts: Prescription spend sees highest increase in decade

The PBM builds awareness around 2014 trend report that identifies key challenges and provides important insights into the prescription drug market.

StatSocial allows you to analyze customized groups of Twitter users

StatSocial analyzes custom-defined groups of Twitter users based on more than 60 sources.

Health messaging a success for nutty campaign

Almond Board of California makes it easy for consumers to make healthier choice

Research and analyze keywords and domains with SEMrush

SEMrush is a platform for researching and analyzing keywords and domains.

Texas bus and train operators see banner Valentine's Day

Commuters sharing the love find there really is such a thing as a free ride.

Create multimedia content for mobile and social with Publet

Publet is a digital publishing platform for creating multimedia content.

Storytelling relays softer side of Tough Mudder

Tough Mudder and its global agency, Edelman, launched a campaign to introduce newly designed obstacles and highlight the brand's values.

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