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The Burson Legacy: Career Guide 2010

The list of senior-level execs who honed their craft under this PR legend's tutelage reads like a communications who's who.

Numerous challenges present opportunities for PR to shine

Healthcare reform, in all its polarizing glory, has taken its place as the top agenda item in the country.

Forty reasons why the future of the industry looks so bright

The August issue of PRWeek includes one of our favorite annual specials, the 40 under 40.

Changing times have brought new meaning to true PR power

Power in the PR industry has typically been defined by the relative prominence and profiles of the client, company, or brands themselves, not always the communicator individually.

New format gives readers an in-depth look into industry

Welcome to the new monthly print edition of PRWeek. Together with our online daily and weekly editions, this magazine aims to provide our readers with a universe of news and insight, reflecting the complexity of this vibrant industry.

As the downturn continues, firms will draw new lessons

A look back at PRWeek's 2000 Agency Business Report is revealing. The main feature reviewed business performance in 1999 and reflected the unbridled zeal of an industry experiencing a significant upswing.

PRWeek's new approach will make us even stronger

This week, I'm putting aside my usual column about PR industry issues to focus on news from PRWeek.

The ease of Twitter mustn't diminish blogs' importance

Before I wrote a regular column, I thought it was bizarre that editors found it difficult to think of things to write about in their own Op-Eds. How could anyone struggle to express opinions?

Content becoming crucial in customer engagement

A recent DM News interview with Seth Solomons, global CMO at Digitas, got me thinking about what is demanded of today's consumers.

Page takes serious steps to prepare tomorrow's leaders

There's an old joke in the industry that it's so hard to explain PR that even your mom doesn't understand what you do for a living. Maril MacDonald isn't laughing. In fact, she considers it something of an outrage.

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