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Ulta Beauty's Eileen Ziesemer sees beauty as a force for good

Ulta's first VP of PR explains how the salon retailer’s business remains buoyant during economic downturns while embracing inclusivity, wellness and resilience.

Agencies, brands tackle post-pandemic employee wellness

PRWeek spoke to five agency and in-house teams to find out how they are addressing the challenges of hybrid working, burnout, mental health, quiet quitting, the Great Resignation and recruitment and retention.

Intel’s CCO Tara Smith on creating a ‘super charge’ program

The CHIPS Act has Smith explaining the challenging world of semiconductors, but it’s all part of the company’s journey to take it to a new level in challenging times.

Tim Szonyi steers Stoli’s rapid rebrand

Global vodka category leader and global innovation leader Szonyi quickly stepped in after consumers tied the brand’s name into a Russian boycott, despite it having no direct ties to the country.

Unispace CMO Marjorie McCarthy says the office isn’t dead, it’s more important than ever

McCarthy talks about creating the physical work space to optimize the realities of hybrid work, staff support and inclusion.

HPE’s Jennifer Temple and dog Miles have completed 22 5K races since pandemic’s start

In this week’s edition of Pets in PR, HPE’s comms leader shares how Miles helps her to ‘keep it real.’

Twitch’s comms head Brielle Villablanca breaks down the game plan behind the surge of livestreaming

The streaming service platform has widened its appeal beyond gaming, with content creators in categories ranging from music to animals.

Moderna’s Kate Cronin and her team embrace ‘Gumby’ mentality

The chief brand officer was brought on board and tasked with marketing the company’s highly effective COVID-19 vaccine.

Subway CMO Carrie Walsh unwraps the company's recent changes

She discusses the main ingredients in the fast-food chain’s transformational, make-or-break refresh.

Josh Earnest has United Airlines back on solid ground

The airline's CCO on how the carrier has mobilized and emerged from the industry’s extreme turbulence since the pandemic.