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Recent changes catapult radio to the major leagues - Radio has long played second ...

Despite the hype attached to the Internet, radio is fast gaining the attention of Wall Street. Broker reaction to the recent spin-off of the CBS radio division, Infinity Broadcasting, is proof that radio is on the rebound. But are PRs catching on as fast?

Hi-tech's hungry herald - Maura FitzGerald has transformed her journalism career into a ...

Growing up with nine siblings, Maura FitzGerald learned how to get herself heard above the din. She now puts this ability to constructive use: making noise for clients in the competitive world of hi-tech.

Recent events reveal that crisis management extends to fielding political ...

Crisis management is widely accepted as a must for any company operating in the international arena, but very few operators give enough thought to fielding crises that fall into the 'acts of god and foreign governments' category.

Newswires - do they overstep the mark? - If you pay a newswire to distribute your ...

PR professionals and newswires have become embroiled in a bitter battle over the control of editorial content within press releases. In fact, the very role newswires are playing in the distribution of information is being called into question by industry professionals.

Inside The Beltway

I was recently being interviewed by a reporter for a comment on the acquittal of former Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy. And asked for a comment on Independent Counsel Donald Smaltz, who had pursued the absurd prosecution to the tune of nearly $20 million,

Looking back at this year's newsmakers, who would have been your ideal client - and why?

An 'ideal' client should understand the value of PR, be facing a formidable challenge and have the resources - not to mention the will - to be aggressively proactive.

Hi-tech PR jobs boom - It's a seller's market in hi-tech job surge - Hi-tech is the fastest ...

Hi-tech PR jobs boom - It's a seller's market in hi-tech job surge - Hi-tech is the fastest growing field in America, yet PR is having a difficult time keeping up with the demand.

New small breed are future heroes

Whilst the Bursons, Fleishmans and Edelmans of this world are busy building mammoth global businesses, a new breed of exciting small and medium sized agencies are attacking them in their own backyard - and that's good news for the whole profession.

Xmas movies arrive with a flurry of hype.

Among the December traditions in America, one of the most eagerly anticipated is the flurry of motion picture releases timed to coincide with the holidays and last-minute Oscar consideration. With each film vying for attention, potential moviegoers are overwhelmed with advertisements.

Largest audience to date for CBS

Last week, CBS attracted the largest average weekly audience for the season to date. It drew a total audience of 13.3 million against NBC's 12.8 million.