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PROFILE: Marcia Silverman, Ogilvy PR Worldwide

Marcia Silverman has a confession: she doesn't like flying - which you might think would make her new role as global chief executive of Ogilvy PR Worldwide rather difficult.

BROADCAST: Who's in control of radio promotions? - Media buyers have muscled in on radio promotions. PROs should try to claim them back as editorial placements, writes Chris Scott

The radio promotion continues to be something of an oddity in the marketing world. While the content is delivered as part of a presenter's broadcast, the positioning and content is paid for in advance by those marketing the product in question at a cost of several thousand pounds.

TECHNIQUE: Inbox of tricks for sending a pitch

E-mail is fast becoming reporters' preferred method of contact. But it's still necessary to follow up, and to remain more professional than personal

2002 Salary Survey

At the PR party that was 2000, giddy talk of huge salary increases turned some industry pros into career butterflies, flitting from one job to another. A PricewaterhouseCoopers survey at the time found PR people to be the most footloose and fickle professionals in America.

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