It’s giving: PRWeek US launches Gen Z contributing column


Entering the Gen Zeitgeist era.

PRWeek US has launched Gen Zeitgeist, a new weekly contributing column spotlighting the perspectives of students and young professionals in the PR industry. 

The inspiration behind the column is Gen Z, sometimes known as “Zoomers,” who are shaping the future of work across every profession. “Zeitgeist” defines the spirit or mood of a particular period of history, and the last three years have been transformational for communications in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. 

The aim of the Gen Zeitgeist op-eds is to dive into the unique perspectives of the people behind the industry shift and share their opinions on topics ranging from getting started and succeeding in PR to the evolution of diversity and equity at agencies.

We want to hear from individuals as young as high school students to those with two to three years in the industry (age range members of Gen Z) on a variety of topics and angles surrounding their views on PR and the agency world.

The team is looking for 500-word opinion pieces discussing topics such as but not limited to: 

  • What PR means to you
  • Advice for getting started in PR and getting the job you want
  • Importance of social media and other media to agencies and clients
  • Brands' dedication to and action toward DE&I and ESG
  • Handling crisis communication
  • Views on popular or controversial campaigns
  • Diversity at varying agency levels 
  • Opinions on the future of work in PR

These suggestions serve as a framework for the content we’re seeking and should not be pitched at face value. Pitch topics should be unique to an individual’s own experiences and emphasize why they are the right person to author that opinion.

We want the participants to shape the way we form this column and are excited to hear from voices from all walks of life and backgrounds that may not typically be provided a platform to express their point of view. 

Pitch ideas will be accepted on a rolling basis with a new column featured every Wednesday, starting May 24. 

Individuals interested in submitting should pitch their column topic ideas to, or for consideration. In your pitch, please include your name, LinkedIn account, current job status and title, relevant work history and elaboration on how the topic pertains to your individual experience. Participants must be U.S.-based.

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